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Welcome to The FARM

The FARM exists to provide a safe environment and positive experience for children and families to learn what hope, love, and joy look like through authentic, intentional relationships.

What is The FARM?

The FARM is a Mentoring Program offered one day a week to students in K-12 who can ​benefit from extra support. Families seek out The FARM because their child struggles ​with hardships like; anxiety, behavioral issues, the effects of a traumatic event, being ​bullied, or lack of self-confidence. Students can find hope and healing in Christ as they ​build long-term relationships with Christian adults through addressing their social, ​emotional and spiritual needs. Our faith-based values of being disciples of Christ, ​intentionally relational, a refuge for the hurting, and stewards and partners in God’s ​creation drive us to pour into those we serve. Our prayer is that students would ​experience new life as they are Freed from sin and shame, Adopted into God’s family, ​live a life Rooted in Christ, and are Matured to serve.

In 2020, The FARM started on the property of CONNECT Christian Camp & Retreat ​Center. The FARM has become its own non-profit organization and has moved to a new ​location in Hebron, IN. Since its beginning, The FARM has helped to pair children and ​teens with adult mentors who have been able to walk alongside them during life’s difficul​t ​m​o​ments and questions.

As with any important endeavor, we will have challenges to overcome as we seek to serve in life-changing ways. At the same time, there are significant opportunities before us. The ability to enter into the lives of local families and to call the Church to serve in great ways are enormous. God is bringing the pieces together for the birth of a more sustainable ministry that will bring hope and healing for years to come.

The Dahm family needs your prayers! They feel strongly that God is leading ​them to continue this ministry. They know that God is blessing the path ​forward. Please pray that God will continue to bless them with discernment. ​Since moving to Hebron, many projects have been started (some completed) ​and many conversations have been had. But The FARM can use your help ​spreading the word in order to continue to grow and serve new families.

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Get Involved

Can you be a mentor? If you have a desire to share the hope you've experienced with a child and build a long term relationship with them, talk to us about being a mentor.

Can you be a skilled volunteer? Not everyone can serve as a mentor, but everyone can serve. There are always building, repairing, mechanical, staining and painting, gardening etc... projects to be worked on. Please talk to us about how God could use your giftedness and experience to impact families lives.

Can you be a financial partner? The FARM mentoring is offered to families completely free of charge. The only way to accomplish this is with committed monthly financial partners. Your financial sacrifice will allow more students to find hope and healing in Christ. We will raise the amount needed each month through our individual donors, recruiting new donors, having churches who desire to continue to support this specific ministry, and by applying for grants.

If you would like to be one of our financial partners, you can donate by clicking the link button here.

Can you be a prayer warrior? Please pray that God will continue to bless us with discernment as we seek to love hurting kids. Pray for the students that will be mentored, the mentors, the volunteers, and our church as a whole; that we can unite together to make an eternal impact

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Become A Mentor

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for individuals 18 years & older who have dedicated their lives to serving Christ. We need ​individuals who have a heart for showing hope and love to children and teens who have experienced trauma.

What is the commitment?

When deciding to be a mentor, you will need to commit to at least one full year. You will come once a week for ​1 ½ hours to meet with your mentor partner and mentor group.

What does a mentoring session look like?

Mentoring sessions will take place at The FARM. Once a week, based on your schedules, you will meet your ​mentoring partner (another adult assigned to you) at least 15 minutes before your child/teen group is ​supposed to arrive. The first half hour of the session, you will work with your child/teen group on a “chore.” ​This helps instill the importance of responsibility, discipline and structure. The last hour of the session is ​student led. For this hour, you basically will do whatever your group decides they want to do. This could be ​spending time with the animals, crafting, going on a walk, playing games, or just sitting and having a ​conversation. You are building a relationship with your mentee.

What steps need to be taken to become a mentor?

  1. Complete the “Mentoring Application” online
  2. Go through an interview process
  3. Complete a background check
  4. Attend Training

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Mentoring Registration

Participants are paired in mentoring relationships with another peer and two adult leaders. Each participant will work with a mentor 2-­4 sessions per month. Individual sessions last 90 minutes and can include a variety of activities including farm chores, grooming and caring for animals, gardening, building, game and crafts, to name a few.

The goal of this program is building relationships, building social and emotional skills, and spiritual investment in each participant. The primary objective is to meet each participant where they are and work toward healthy, connected relationships with our animals, each other, and God. We recognize that every participant is an individual. Mentors and parents/guardians will work together to identify specific needs for each participant and set appropriate goals for the children while they are here.

If your K-12th grader could benefit from The FARM’s mentoring program, you can register today! While our mentors are trained to help children who have experienced emotional trauma, any child that can benefit from one-on-one mentoring is welcome to sign up. Mentoring sessions are completely free of charge for every participant. Our number one requirement is that both the student and their parent/guardian want to be here as willingness and a desire to participate are necessary components for healing and change.

To register your child or to become a mentor, please email or call 219-902-8789

Contact us...

We look forward to hearing from you!


338 W. 600 S.

Hebron, IN 46341


(219) 902-8789
